ステークカジノの評判・入出金方法や登録方法を実際に使い ...



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立命館大学 研究者学術情報データベース English>> TOPページ TOPページ > EGYNA DWINANRI (最終更新日 : 2023-11-07 13:44:54) エギナー ドュイナンリ EGYNA DWINANRI EGYNA DWINANRI 所属 総合科学技術研究機構 職名 専門研究員 業績 その他所属 プロフィール 学歴 職歴 委員会・協会等 所属学会 資格・免許 研究テーマ 研究概要 研究概要(関連画像) 現在の専門分野 研究 著書 論文 その他 学会発表 その他研究活動 講師・講演 受賞学術賞 科学研究費助成事業 競争的資金等(科研費を除く) 共同・受託研究実績 取得特許 研究高度化推進制度 教育 授業科目 教育活動 社会活動 社会における活動 研究交流希望テーマ その他 研究者からのメッセージ ホームページ メールアドレス 科研費研究者番号 researchmap研究者コード 外部研究者ID 学歴 1. 2020/09/30~2023/09/22 博士課程 │ Energy Science and Engineering │ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering │ Tokyo Institute of Technology │ 修了 │ Doctor of Engineering 2. 2018/09/26~2020/09/25 修士課程 │ Energy Science and Engineering │ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering │ Tokyo Institute of Technology │ 修了 │ Master of Engineering 3. 2017/01/13(学位取得) Bachelor of Engineering 研究テーマ 1. Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 (CIGSSe) is a material well known for its application in the thin film solar cell technology, an area of growing significance in the field of photovoltaics. CIGSSe has a wide range of potential applications due to adjustability of the optical band gap by changing the material composition, placing it as one of the potential materials for ideal single junction solar cell. These cells exhibit remarkable light-absorbing capabilities, making them promising candidates for efficiently converting sunlight into electricity. However, the research goes beyond single-junction applications and delves into the exciting realm of tandem solar cells. By exploring the possibilities of combining CIGSSe with other semiconductor materials, we aim to unlock the full potential of tandem solar cells, offering the prospect of even higher efficiencies and improved energy conversion rates. The central focus of this study revolves around the optimization of CIGSSe thin film solar cells. Past works have been dedicated to fine-tuning the material properties, device architecture, and fabrication processes to maximize their efficiency. This optimization process encompasses material quality, bandgap engineering, interface engineering, and various other parameters that influence the overall performance. The overarching goal is to push the boundaries of efficiency and make CIGSe thin film solar cells a practical and sustainable solution for renewable energy production. 2. The development of Transparent Conductive Oxides (TCOs) and their critical role in achieving efficient energy conversion for CIGSSe solar cells. The primary focus of this study revolves around the application of TCOs in CIGS solar cells, specifically addressing band offset control. TCOs are instrumental in these thin-film photovoltaic devices as they serve as transparent electrodes that allow sunlight to penetrate the cell while ensuring the efficient flow of electrical current. By meticulously studying and optimizing the band offset control in TCOs, this research aims to enhance the overall performance and efficiency of CIGS solar cells. A distinctive facet of this research involves the utilization of amorphous TCOs, characterized by their non-crystalline structure. These materials offer unique advantages, including excellent electrical conductivity and optical transparency, making them well-suited for CIGS solar cells. By exploring the potential of amorphous TCOs in this context, the research seeks to improve light absorption and electron transport, further boosting the energy conversion capabilities of CIGS solar cells. This comprehensive investigation represents a significant step forward in the development of sustainable and efficient solar energy solutions, contributing to the ongoing efforts to harness the power of renewable energy sources. 現在の専門分野 Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties, Electric and electronic materials, Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics (キーワード:Semiconductors, thin-film, electronic materials) © Ritsumeikan Univ. All rights reserved.

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