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Shizuoka University Organization for International Collaboration Admission Outline Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students Research Student (University Recommendation) Research Student (Embassy Recommendation) MEXT Scholarship Japanese Studies Students MEXT Scholarship Teacher Training Students Privately Financed International Students Asia Bridge Program (ABP) Double Degree Program Exchange Students from our Partner Universites Summer Program Research Student. etc Japanese Language Studies Outline General Education Japanese Language Program Intensive Japanese Course ABP First Semester Education Summer School Campus Life Outline Housing Health Care and Insurance Part-time Job Visa Procedures Annual Schedule Extracurricular Activities Counseling Tutors Exchange with Japanese Students Outline International Lounge Tuition fee and Scholarship Outline Tuition Waiver Scholarship Career Find a job in Japan Shizuoka Career Development Program (SCDP) International Students Enrolled Shizuoka University Students SUOIC For Community &#038; Visitors Faculty &#038; Staff Updates Contact Home Asia Bridge Program Work in Japan Study Abroad Japanese JP English EN International Students Japanese Language Studies HOME International Students Japanese Language Studies 日本語研修コース Intensive Japanese Course Intensive Japanese Course Fall Semester, 2023 Shizuoka Campus Syllubus 1.The Course outline The Inteinsive Japanese Course (Beginning) is a course for beginners and is held for 15 weeks (15 classes/week). In this semester, ‘Beginning Japanese Ⅱ’ ‘Beginning Japanese Ⅲ’‘Beginning Japanese Ⅳ’ ‘Japanese Language &#038; Culture(Orientation to Japan)’ ‘Intermediate Japanese Ⅷ’ and ‘Intermediate Japanese Ⅸ’ classes are offered. For further information, please refer to JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROGRAM. 2.Time table MON TUE WED THU FRI 8:40~10:10 Intermediate Japaense Ⅸ 10:20~11:50 Beginning Japaense Ⅱ Beginning Japaense Ⅲ Beginning Japaense Ⅳ 12:45~14:15 Intermediate Japaense Ⅷ Japanese Language &#038; Culture Intensive Japanese Course (Intermediate) Fall Semester, 2023 Hamamatsu Campus 1.The Course outline The Intensive Japanese Course (intermediate) is a course for upper intermediate learners and is held 15 weeks. This course is planned for international students who aim to improve Japanese proficiency intensively with 10 classes. This course is available for students who will be able to attend all the classes during the term, from October to February. It should be noticed that all the students are expected to concentrate on Japanese language training from October to February. In this sense, the students should know that their research activities will be consequently restricted. 2.Objectives Have an integrated command of the language especially one sufficient for studying in the University (Level N1 in Japanese Language Proficiency Test). 3.Time table MON TUE WED THU FRI 12:45~14:15 Intermediate JapaenseⅡ(Grammar and Reading) Intermediate JapaenseⅢ(Writing Composition) Intermediate JapaenseⅣ(Grammar and Reading) Intermediate JapaenseⅤ(Speed Reading) 14:25~15:55 Intermediate JapaenseⅩ(Grammar and Reading) 4.Admission Qualifications / Requirements International Students who are recommended by the Organization Director (based on their Japanese level being judged as equal to N2 level on their placement tests), Japanese Government Scholarship Students and Students in the Japan-Korea Joint Program for Undergraduates in Science and Engineering. Students who have intention to study Japanese and attend all the classes during the term. Students who have permission to enroll in this course from their academic advisor. 5.Evaluation Mid-term and final examinations are conducted during the course. Your overall grade in the class will be decided based on the following: class participation, quizzes/assignments and final examination. The assessment will be graded as S (Special A), A, B, C and D. S, A, B and C are all pass grades and D is a fail. 6.Certificate / Transcript A “Certificate of Achievement” to other students if they attend more than 80 % of the classes and take all the necessary examinations. A “Certificate of Completion” will be awarded to the Japanese Government Scholarship Students and Students and Students in the Japan-Korea Joint Program for Undergraduates in Science and Engineering. Although Academic credits are offered as General Education classes to Exchange Students, Japanese Studies Students and Full-time Students (Undergraduate and Graduate), they are not counted for graduation. 7.Application and Contact Applicants should take the placement test held on the end of September. Applicants should register in the second week of October. Professor Mari Hakamata(Organization for International Collaboration) Office: Faculty of Engineering, Bldg.7#305 TEL:053-478-1675 E-mail: [email protected] 日本語研修コース 令和5年度後期 日本語研修コース 静岡キャンパス シラバス 1.日本語研修コースについて 日本語研修コースは日本語を初めて勉強する人のための15週間(週15コマ)の日本語集中プログラムですが、令和5年度後期は、「日本語初級Ⅱ」「日本語初級Ⅲ」「日本語初級Ⅳ」「日本語と文化」及び「日本語中級Ⅷ」「日本語中級Ⅸ」(各週1コマ、計6コマ)を開講します。受講資格、履修手続き、試験、成績評価、申し込み期限、申し込み・問い合わせ先は、日本語教育プログラムと同じです。 2.時間割 月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 1・2時限 8:40~10:10 日本語中級Ⅸ 3・4時限 10:20~11:50 日本語初級Ⅱ 日本語初級Ⅲ 日本語初級Ⅳ 5・6時限 12:45~14:15 日本語中級Ⅷ 日本語と文化 令和5年度後期 日本語研修コース(中級) 浜松キャンパス 1.日本語研修コース(中級)について 日本語研修コース(中級)は、15週間日本語を集中的に学習するプログラムです。10科目を半年間集中して学ぶコースですから、10月から2月まで日本語学習に専念できる留学生が対象になります。10月から2月までは日本語学習に集中するので、研究室での活動は制限されます。 2.目標 大学での勉学に必要な日本語能力(日本語能力試験N1以上)を身に付ける。 3.時間割 月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 5・6時限 12:45~14:15 日本語中級Ⅱ(文法・表現) 日本語中級Ⅲ(作文) 日本語中級Ⅳ(文法・表現) 日本語中級Ⅴ(速読) 7・8時限 14:25~15:55 日本語中級Ⅹ(文法・表現) 4.受講資格 静岡大学の留学生(大学院生、特別聴講学生、研究生など)で、プレイスメント・テストの結果から、N2程度の日本語力があると判断され、機構長が適当と認めた者または、文部科学省より受講が義務づけられた国費留学生及び日韓共同理工系学部留学生。 日本語の学習意欲があり、原則として開講期間中のすべての授業に出席できること。 指導教員の承諾を得られること。 5.成績評価 中間試験・期末試験を行います。また授業中、必要に応じてクイズを行います。 成績評価は、授業への参加度、提出物・クイズ、定期試験によって行います。 S(秀)、A(優)、B(良)、C(可)及びD(不可)で表します。S、A、B及びCが合格で、Dは不合格です。 6.修了証書/受講証書/成績証明書 授業に8割以上出席し、所定の定期試験をすべて受験した者には受講証書、または修了証書(国費留学生、日韓共同理工系学部留学生)を授与します。 交換留学生と日本語・日本文化研修留学生、正規生(学部生・大学院生)には全学教育科目の以下の単位を認定しますが、卒業単位には含まれません。 7.申し込み・問い合わせ先 9月下旬にプレイスメント・テストを受けること10月2週目までに履修申請をすること 袴田麻里(国際連携推進機構教授) 研究室:工学部7号館305 TEL:053-478-1675 E-mail: [email protected] Contact ©2019 Shizuoka University

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