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Home About Us Research Achievement Activity GLIA-spicy Publications Publications (in Japanese) Press releases/Media reports 2024年 Hirayama Y, Le PN H, Hashimoto H, Ishii I, Koizumi S, Anzai N. (2024) Preconditioning-induced facilitation of lactate release from astrocytes is essential for brain ischemic tolerance. eNeuro, ENEURO.0494-23.2024; doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0494-23.2024. Online ahead of print. Dewa K, Arimura N, Kakegawa W, Itoh M, Adachi T, Miyashita S, Inoue U Y, Hizawa K, Hori K, Honjoya N, Yagishita H, Yaya S, Miyazaki T, Usui C, Tatsumoto S, Tsuzuki A, Uetake H, Sakai K, Yamakawa K, Sasaki T, Nagai J, Kawaguchi Y, Sone M, Inoue T, Go Y, Ichinohe N, Kaibuchi K, Watanabe M, Koizumi S, Yuzaki M, Hoshino M. (2024) Neuronal DSCAM regulates the peri-synaptic localization of GLAST in Bergmann glia for functional synapse formation. Nat Commun, 15, 458. Yokoyama T, Manita S, Uwamori H, Tajiri M, Imayoshi I, Yagishita S, Murayama M, Kitamura K, Sakamoto M(2024) A multicolor suite for deciphering population coding of calcium and cAMP in vivo. Nat. Methods doi: 10.1038/s41592-024-02222-9 Mochizuki T, Manita S, Shimura H, Kira S, Sawada N, Bito H, Sakimura K, Augustine GJ, Mitsui T, Takeda M, Kitamura K(2024)Optogenetic stimulation of neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex induces changes in intravesical bladder pressure and the micturition reflex. Sci. Rep. 14:6367 doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56806-8   [ Press release ] Shigetomi E, Sakai K, Koizumi S. (2024)Extracellular ATP/adenosine dynamics in the brain and its role in health and disease. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11:1343653. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1343653  2023年 Ihara T, Shinozaki Y, Shigetomi E, Danjo Y, Tsuchiya S, Kanda M, Kamiyama M, Takeda M, Koizumi S, Mitsui T. (2023) G protein-coupled receptor 55 activated by palmitoylethanolamide is associated with the development of nocturia associated with circadian rhythm disorders. Life Sci. :332:122072. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2023.122072.  Kakae M, Nakajima H, Tobori S, Kawashita A, Miyanohara J, Morishima M, Nagayasu K, Nakagawa T, Shigetomi E, Koizumi S, Mori Y, Kaneko S, Shirakawa H.(2023) The astrocytic TRPA1 channel mediates an intrinsic protective response to vascular cognitive impairment via LIF production. Sci. Adv. 9(29):eadh0102,  doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adh0102. Epub 2023 Jul 21. Hoang H, Tsutsumi S, Matsuzaki M, Kano M, Kawato M, Kitamura K, Toyama K. Dynamic organization of cerebellar climbing fiber response and synchrony in multiple functional components reduces dimensions for reinforcement learning. eLife 12: e86340 (2023). doi: 10.7554/eLife.86340 Ikezoe K, Hidaka N, Manita S, Murakami M, Tsutsumi S, Isomura Y, Kano M, Kitamura K. Cerebellar climbing fibers multiplex movement and reward signals during a voluntary movement task in mice. Commun. Biol. 6: 924. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-05309-9 (2023) Hagiwara A, Mizutani A, Kawamura S, Abe M, Hida Y, Martemyanov KA, Sakimura K, Ohtsuka T.* Critical role of the presynaptic protein CAST in maintaining the photoreceptor triad at ribbon synapses. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(8): 7251, doi:org/10.3390/ijms24087251(2023) Tran NQV, Le MK, Nguyen TA, Kondo T, Nakao A. Association of Circadian Clock Gene Expression with Pediatric/Adolescent Asthma and Its Comorbidities. Int J Mol Sci, 24(8):7477.doi: 10.3390/ijms24087477. (2023) Shinozaki Y, Kashiwagi K, Koizumi S. Astrocyte Immune Functions and Glaucoma. Int J Mol Sci, 24(3):2747. doi: 10.3390/ijms24032747. (2023) Ono T, Yamashita T, Kano R, Inoue M, Okada S, Kano K, Koizumi S, Iwabuchi K, Hirabayashi Y, Matsuo I, Nakashima Y, Kamiguchi H, Kohro Y, *Tsuda M. GPR55 contributes to neutrophil recruitment and pain induction after spinal cord compression in mice. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 110 276-287. Doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2023.03.008. (2023)  Saito K, Koizumi S. A promising drug for neuropathic pain: identification of vesicular nucleotide transporter as a novel target of eicosapentaenoic acid. Purinergic Signal, 19(4):587-589. doi: 10.1007/s11302-022-09918-7. 2022年 Sakamoto M, Inoue M, Takeuchi A, Kobari S, Yokoyama T, Horigane S, Takemoto-Kimura S, Abe M, Sakimura K, Kano M, Kitamura K, Fujii H, Bito H. A Flp-dependent G-CaMP9a transgenic mouse for neuronal imaging in vivo. Cell Rep Methods 2:100168. doi: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2022.100168 Manita S, Ikezoe K, Kitamura K. A novel device of reaching, grasping, and retrieving task for head-fixed mice. Front Neural Circuits 16: 842748. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2022.842748 Manita S, Shigetomi E, Bito H, Koizumi S, Kitamura K. In Vivo Wide-Field and Two-Photon Calcium Imaging from a Mouse using a Large Cranial Window. J Vis Exp 186: e64224. doi: 10.3791/64224 Shinozaki Y, Saito K, Kashiwagi K, Koizumi S.  Ocular P2 receptors and glaucoma. Neuropharmacology, 222:109302. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2022.109302.  Epub 2022 Oct 30. Shinozaki Y, Leung A, Namekata K, Saitoh S, Nguyen HB, Takeda A, Danjo Y, Morizawa YM, Shigetomi E, Sano F, Yoshioka N, Takebayashi H, Ohno N, Segawa T, Miyake K, Kashiwagi K, Harada T, Ohnuma S, Koizumi S. Astrocytic dysfunction induced by ABCA1 deficiency causes optic neuropathy. Sci Adv, 8(44):eabq1081.  doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq1081. Epub 2022 Nov 4. Morizawa YM, Matsumoto M, Nakashima Y, Endo N, Aida T, Ishikane H, Beppu K, Moritoh S, Inada H, Osumi N, Shigetomi E, Koizumi S, Yang G, Hirai H, Tanaka K, Tanaka KF, Ohno N, Fukazawa Y, Matsui K. Synaptic pruning through glial synapse engulfment upon motor learning. Nat Neurosci, 25(11):1458-1469. doi: 10.1038/s41593-022-01184-5. Epub 2022 Nov 1. Nakao A, Nakamura Y. Time will tell about mast cells: Circadian control of mast cell activation. Allergol Int, 71(4):425-431.doi: 10.1016/j.alit.2022.06.008.  Nakao A. Welcome to &#8220;Circadian Immunology & Allergology&#8221;: Why timing matters in diagnosing and treating allergies. [Editorial] Allergol Int. 71(4)423-424.doi: 10.1016/j.alit.2022.08.007. Shigetomi E, Koizumi S. The role of astrocytes in behaviors related to emotion and motivation. Neurosci Res, 2022 Sep 28;S0168-0102(22)00260-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2022.09.015. Parajuli B, Koizumi S. Strategies for Manipulating Microglia to Determine Their Role in the Healthy and Diseased Brain. Neurochem Res, 2022 Sep 9;1-11. doi: 10.1007/s11064-022-03742-6. Online ahead of print. Shimozono K, Nan H, Hata T, Saito K, Kim Y-J, Nagatomo H, Ohtsuka T, Koizumi S and Takiyama Y. Ubap1 knock-in mice reproduced the phenotype of SPG80. J Human Genetics, doi: 10.1038/s10038-022-01073-6. Online ahead of print. Koizumi S, Hirayama Y. Ischemic Tolerance Induced by Glial Cells. Neurochem Res, doi: 10.1007/s11064-022-03704-y. Online ahead of print. Sasaki R, Kumano H, Mitani A, Suda Y, Uka T*. Task-specific employment of sensory signals underlies rapid task switching. Cereb Cortex 32: 4657-4670, 2022. DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhab508 Suda Y, Tada M, Matsuo T, Kawasaki K, Saigusa T, Ishida M, Mitsui T, Kumano H, Kirihara K, Suzuki T, Matsumoto K, Hasegawa I, Kasai K, Uka T. Prediction-related frontal-temporal network for omission mismatch activity in the macaque monkey. Front Psychiatry 13: 557954, 2022. DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.557954 Suda Y, Uka T. The NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine impairs and delays context-dependent decision making in the parietal cortex. Commun Biol 5: 690, 2022. DOI 10.1038/s42003-022-03626-z Takeda I, Yoshihara K, Cheung DL, Kobayashi T, Agetsuma M, Tsuda M, Eto K, Koizumi S, Wake H, Moorhouse AJ and Nabekura J. Controlled activation of cortical astrocytes modulates neuropathic pain-like behaviour. Nat Commun, 13(1):4100. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31773-8. Hirayama Y, Anzai N, Kinouchi, H and *Koizumi S.  P2X7 receptors in astrocytes; as a switch for ischemic tolerance. Molecules, 27(12):3655. doi:10.3390/molecules27123655 Parajuli B, Shinozaki Y, Shigetomi E and *Koizumi S. Transplantation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Microglia in Immunocompetent Mice Brain via Non-invasive Transnasal Route. J Vis Exp, 183, e63574. doi: 10.3791/63574. Ihara T, Shimura H, Tsuchiya S, Kanda M, Kira S, Sawada N, Takeda M, Mitsui T, Shigetomi E, Shinozaki Y, Koizumi S.  Effects of fatty acid metabolites on nocturia. Sci Rep. 12(1):3050 Danjo Y, Shigetomi E, Hirayama YJ, Kobayashi K, Ishikawa T, Fukazawa Y, Shibata K, Takanashi K, Parajuli B, Shinozaki Y,  Kim SK, Nabekura J and *Koizumi S. Transient astrocytic mGluR5 expression drives synaptic plasticity and subsequent chronic pain in mice. J Exp Med, in press Koizumi S. Glial Purinergic Signals and Psychiatric Disorders. Front. Cell. Neurosci, 15:822614  Danjo Y, Shinozaki Y, Natsubori A, Kubota Y, Kashiwagi K, Tanaka KF and *Koizumi S.  The Mlc1 promotor directs Müller cell-specific gene expression in the retina. TVST, 11(1), 25. Koizumi S, Shigetomi E, Sano F, Saito K, Kim SK, Nabekura J. Abnormal Ca2+ Signals in Reactive Astrocytes as a Common Cause of Brain Diseases. Int.J.Mol. Sci, 23, 149. Konishi H, *Koizumi S and *Kiyama H.  Phagocytic astrocytes: emerging from the shadows of microglia. GLIA, 2021年 Rupprecht P, Carta S, Hoffmann A, Echizen M, Blot A, Kwan AC, Dan Y, Hofer SB, Kitamura K, Helmchen F, Friedrich RW. A database and deep learning toolbox for noise-optimized, generalized spike inference from calcium imaging. Nat Neurosci 24:1324-1337. doi: 10.1038/s41593-021-00895-5 Koizumi S. Glial pharmacology in Asia & Beyond. Pharmacol Res Perspect.(9):e00881. Takanashi K, Shibata K, Mizuno K, Komatsu R, Koizumi S. Goshajinkigan attenuates paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain via cortical astrocytes. Pharmacol Res Perspect.(9):e00850. Hamada K, Shinozaki Y, Namekata K, Matsumoto M, Ohno N, Segawa T, Kashiwagi K, Harada T and *Koizumi S. Loss of P2Y1 receptor triggers glaucoma-like pathology. Br J Pharmacol, 178(22):4552-4571. Tanaka M  Shigetomi E  Parajuli B  Nagatomo H  Shinozaki Y  Hirayama Y  Saito K  Kubota Y  Danjo Y  Lee JH  Kim SK  Nabekura J  Koizumi S*. Adenosine A2B Receptor down-regulates Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 in astrocytes during postnatal development. GLIA, 69(11):2546-2558. Ihara T  Mitsui T*  Shimura H  Tsuchiya S  Kanda M  Kira S  Nakagomi H  Sawada N  Kamiyama M  Shigetomi E  Shinozaki Y  Koizumi S Takeda  M. Different effect of GsMTx4 on nocturia associated with the circadian clock and Piezo1 expression in mice. Life Sci 278 119555. 2021 Parajuli B  Saito H  Shinozaki Y  Shigetomi E  Miwa H  Yoneda S  Omachi S  Asaki T  Takahashi K  Fujita M  Nakashima K Koizumi S*. Transnasal transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglia to the brain of immunocompetent mice. GLIA 69(10): 2332-2348. 2021 [ Press release ] Okamoto T  Ogawa Y  Kinoshita M  Ihara T  Shimada S  Koizumi S  Kawamura T*. Mechanical stretch-induced ATP release from keratinocytes triggers Koebner phenomenon in psoriasis. J Dermatol Sci 103 60-62. 2021 Kinoshita M  Ogawa Y*  Hama N  Ujiie I  Hasegawa A  Nakajima S  Nomura T  Adachi J  Sato T  Koizumi S  Shimada S  Fujita Y  Takahashi H  Muzukawa Y  Tomonaga T  Abe R  Kawamura T. Neutrophils initiate and exacerbate Steve-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Sci Transl Med 13(600):eaax2398. 2021 Matsushita K  Li X  Nakamura Y  Dong D  Mukai K  Tsai M  Montgomery SB  Galli SJ* The role of Sp140 revealed in IgE and mast cell responses in Collaborative Cross mice. JCI Insight 6(12):146572. 2021 Hirayama Y  Anzai N  Koizumi S*. (2021) Mechanisms underlying sensitization of P2X7 receptors in astrocytes for induction of ischemic tolerance. GLIA 69(9): 2100-2110. 2021 Doi H  Parajuli B  Horio T  Shigetomi E  Shinozaki Y  Noda T  Takahashi K  Hattori T  Koizumi S  Sawada K*.  Development of a label-free ATP image sensor for analyzing spatiotemporal patterns of ATP release from biological tissues. Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical 335 129686. 2021 Sano F Shigetomi E Shinozaki Y Tsuzukiyama H Saito K Mikoshiba K Horiuchi H Cheung DL Nabekura J Sugita K Aihara M Koizumi S*. Reactive astrocyte-driven epileptogenesis is induced by microglia initially activated following status epilepticus. JCI Insight 6(9): e135391. [ Press release ] [ Media report ] Tada M* Kirihara K Ishishita Y Takasago M Kunii N Uka T Shimada S Ibayashi K Kawai K Saito N Koshiyama D Fujioka M Araki T Kasai K. Global and Parallel Cortical Processing Based on Auditory Gamma Oscillatory Responses in Humans. Cereb Cortex 31: 4518-4532. 2021. DOI10.1093/cercor/bhab103 Hamada S. Nagase M. Yoshizawa T. Hagiwara A. Isomura Y. Watabe AM  Ohtsuka T* An engineered channelrhodopsin optimized for axon terminal activation and circuit mapping. Commun Biol 4(1):461. 2021. Escartin C* Galea E Lakatos A O’Callaghan J Petzold JG Serrano-Pozo A Steinhauser C Volterra A Carmignoto G Agarwal A Allen NJ Araque A Barbeito L Barzilai A Bergles D Bonvento G Butt AM Chen W-T Cohen-Salmon M Cunningham C Deneen B De Strooper B Díaz-Castro B Farina C Freeman M Gallo V Goldman JE Goldman SA Götz M Gutiérrez A Haydon PG Heiland DH Hol EM Holt M Iino M Kastanenka KV Kettenmann H Khakh B Koizumi S Lee CJ Liddelow SA MacVicar B Magistretti P Messing A Mishra A Molofsky AV Murai K Norris CM Okada S Oliet SHR Oliveira JF Panatier A Parpura V Pekna M Pekny M Pellerin L Perea G Pérez-Nievas BG Pfrieger FR Poskanzer KE Quintana FJ Ransohoff RR Riquelme-Perez M Robel S Rose CR Rothstein J Rouach N Rowitch RH Semyanov A Sirko S Sontheimer H Swanson RA Vitorica J Wanner IB Wood LB Wu J Zheng B Zimmer ER Zorec R Sofroniew MV* Verkhratsky A*. Reactive astrocyte nomenclature definitions and future directions. Nat Neurosci. 24: 312-325. 2021 0202年 Saito K, Shigetomi E, Shinozaki Y, Kobayashi K, Parajuri B, Kubota Y, Sakai K, Miyakawa M, Horiuchi H, Nabekura J, Koizumi S.(2023) Microglia sense astrocyte dysfunction and prevent disease progression in an Alexander disease model. Brain. 147(2): 698-716. doi: 10.1093/brain/awad358. [ Press release ] [ Media report ] 山梨大学 山梨GLIAセンター 〒409-3898 山梨県中央市下河東 1110 山梨大学医学部薬理学講座内TEL: 055-273-9503 生理学講座統合生理学教室 生理学講座神経生理学教室 生化学講座第 1 教室 細胞培養工学研究室 薬理学講座 免疫学講座 社会医学講座 胚環境研究室 発生ゲノム科学研究室 Copyright (c) 2021 Yamanashi GLIA Center.


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