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大学紹介 大学紹介 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 公益通報の通報・相談窓口 情報公表・大学評価 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 学生寮 パソコン教室 施設のご使用について 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院 学部学科・大学院 学部 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院 経済学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 シラバス検索 教育・研究 教育・研究 教育 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査結果 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター フューチャー・デザイン研究センター(FDRC) 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ メニュー インターネット出願--> OPEN CAMPUS 受験生 検索 アクセス English インターネット出願--> OPENCAMPUS 受験生 アクセス お問合せ 資料請求 寄付 大学紹介開く 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要開く 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み開く ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 情報公表・大学評価開く 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について開く 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介開く 施設のご使用について 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 国際学生寮 パソコン教室 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院開く 学部開く 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院開く 経済学研究科 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース シラバス検索 教育・研究開く 教育開く 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査と情報公開 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携開く 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター フューチャー・デザイン研究センター(FDRC) 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流開く 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職開く キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ開く 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得開く 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ Founding Principles HOMEKUAS English PortalHOME For Current Students (Undergraduate & Graduate)Founding Principles Founding Principles Three Policies KUAS Sports Charter Founding Principles In 2018, our university embarked on a major reformation. In 2019, these reforms accelerated even further as we changed our name to Kyoto University of Advanced Science (Nagamori Gakuen Educational Foundation). To mark this major milestone in our university’s history, KUAS has taken a fresh look at its core mission and established a new set of founding principles. KUAS will seek to produce outstanding graduates who can identify and solve the problems of the future. KUAS will seek to envision a brighter future for society and conduct advanced academic research that will lead to the realization of that vision. By producing excellent graduates and research, KUAS will take a leading role in contributing to society, both today and in the centuries to come. Putting our Founding Principles into Practice The experts and leaders who will contribute to the society of tomorrow will work in a world of diverse values.  Kyoto University of Advanced Science is committed to education and research that takes the initiative in solving global issues by looking ahead to the future, identifying new issues that may arise, and integrating these with contemporary educational themes. At KUAS, we will seek to produce dynamic, capable people who can take on the challenge of complex and multifaceted problems by combining world-class progressive-mindedness, adaptability, and morality with specialized knowledge, creative thinking, and foresight alongside a broad, holistic foundation of knowledge. Revised on April 1, 2019 Three Policies Kyoto University of Advanced Science has revised its existing policies and formulated three new ones. The Three Policies of Kyoto University of Advanced Science Graduation Approval and Degree Awarding Policy (Diploma Policy) Knowledge and Understanding 1.1 Graduates shall acquire a specific core body of knowledge, relating it to knowledge in other fields, and use it to solve problems in a changing global society. Technical Skills 2.1 Graduates shall be able to collect and use necessary information using appropriate methods. 2.2 Graduates shall be able to communicate with others using a variety of languages. Thought, Judgment and Expression 3.1 Graduates shall be able to logically construct and express their own ideas through multifaceted thinking by utilizing acquired knowledge, skills, and experience. 3.2 Graduates shall be able to critically examine a topic of their own choosing, while objectively analyzing any information collected. Interest, Motivation and Attitude 4.1 Graduates shall demonstrate an ongoing interest in the problems of a changing global society and be able to act proactively and persistently to solve those problems. 4.2 Graduates shall be able to act as an autonomous member of society while collaborating with others from diverse backgrounds Curriculum Development and Implementation Policy (Curriculum Policy) Educational Curriculum 1.1 The curriculum shall consist of core subjects common to all universities and specialized subjects in each department. 1.2 The common core subjects shall be designed to help students acquire the following core competencies: progressive mindedness, culture, basic academic skills and techniques, language skills, cross-cultural understanding, communication skills, leadership and teamwork. 1.3 Specialized courses shall be arranged in accordance with career paths that make the most of the academic training in each undergraduate faculty, and shall foster students&#39; ability to act independently and solve problems based on their specialized knowledge. Learning Methods and Processes 2.1 (Learning Method) During their four-year educational program, students shall not only learn theoretically about liberal arts subjects and specialized subjects, but also learn practically and actively through experiential learning and career learning. 2.2.1(Learning Process) In the university&#39;s common core subjects, students shall learn liberal arts subjects necessary for the acquisition of general abilities in a step-by-step manner. 2.2.2 In the first year, students shall take start-up courses to develop their basic problem finding and solving skills and communication skills. 2.2.3 In the first and second years, students shall learn how to acquire basic Japanese language skills, numerical processing skills, and IT skills, and also learn to develop their communication, leadership, and cooperation skills through physical activities. 2.2.4 From the first year to the third year, students shall study English through a consistent curriculum with the aim of acquiring English skills that are useful for working adults. 2.2.5 From the second year, students shall study various issues of modern society in an interdisciplinary manner in future outlook courses, which seek to nurture students&#39; knowledge of the liberal arts and their ability to discover and solve problems. 2.3 (Learning Process) In specialized courses, students shall learn step-by-step in courses and programs established by each faculty and department in order to acquire the ability to act independently and solve problems based on specialized knowledge. Assessment of Learning Outcomes 3.1 Learning outcomes shall indicate the degree of achievement of the competencies specified in the Diploma Policy and the achievement goals set for each subject in the curriculum. Learning outcomes shall be evaluated in various ways according to the assessment policy. 3.2 The contents of each course, as well as its achievement objectives and evaluation methods and standards, shall be shown in the syllabus, and the degree of achievement of the achievement objectives shall be evaluated. Admission Policy In the founding spirit of KUAS, the purpose of education at our university shall be to nurture "top-notch professionals who can identify and solve problems the problems of the future. To this end, KUAS seeks applicants who understand the educational content of the faculty and department of their choice, and who are motivated to explore and practice academics, improve their skills, and acquire the civic education necessary to succeed in a global society. Knowledge and Skills Applicants shall possess the basic knowledge and skills of subjects taken in high school. Thought, Judgment and Expression Applicants shall have the ability to think and make judgments about disciplines related to science, culture, society, nature, health, and other topics as well as be able to express their own ideas. Positive attitude toward learning by taking initiative and collaborating with diverse people Applicants shall have a strong interest in learning and skills, and a strong desire to learn independently. Applicants shall able to work collaboratively with diverse people to acquire knowledge and skills. Applicants shall the desire to become culture and international as well as improve their language skills, particularly their English skills. The Three Policies of the Kyoto University of Advanced Science Graduate School Graduation Approval and Degree Awarding Policy (Diploma Policy) Degrees shall be awarded to those who have acquired the knowledge necessary to work as academic researchers and highly specialized professionals in their respective fields of study. Curriculum Development and Implementation Policy (Curriculum Policy) Curriculums shall be organized so that students can acquire outstanding academic knowledge and applied skills in each research field. Admission Policy KUAS shall seek individuals who are highly motivated to contribute to society through the acquisition of advanced knowledge and skills in their respective fields of study. KUAS Sports Charter Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) regards its sports clubs as a unified team and aims to realize an ideal athletic community that is respected both inside and outside of campus. As part of this initiative, the university has established a "KUAS Sports Charter" and "KUAS Student Athlete Declaration" in order to young professionals who can respond to the changing times and better meet the demands of society while reaffirming the power and importance of sports within and beyond the KUAS campus.  Through respectful and compassionate interaction with others, and through scientific and enthusiastic trial and error, the KUAS athletic community will foster a "KUAS Spirit" of unshakable confidence and integrity, thereby contributing to the development of a healthy society. Cultivating a sense of responsibility as model athletes KUAS sports will foster a culture of compliance with social norms through activities and practices that follow the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. Eliminating harassment and discrimination KUAS sports will foster a sense of equality that will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, or gender. Embracing Advanced Science KUAS sports will always be based on the most advanced scientific knowledge and practices, thereby promoting the pursuit of scientific truth. Contributing to the international community KUAS sports will promote the development of solid communication skills and the ability to solve problems independently, contributing to the establishment of a harmonious international society and world peace. Contributing to the local community KUAS sports will contribute to the creation and development of a healthy and vibrant local community through the cultivation of future-oriented, top-tier professionals. KUAS Student Athlete Declaration KUAS student athletes shall strive to set a good example for all other students by being disciplined and respectful and demonstrate civility and integrity. KUAS student athletes shall strive to combine excellent education and character in accordance with the spirit of "Bunbu Fuki," the belief that the path of the "warrior" and the "scholar" are one and the same. KUAS student athletes shall set high goals for themselves and work tirelessly to improve their wisdom, morals, spirit, skills, and body. KUAS student athletes shall continuously discover and set challenges for themselves and their teams, and adopt a spirit of scientific inquiry when tackling those challenges.  KUAS student athletes shall be ever-conscious of their place within the KUAS community and shall contribute to the development of that community. KUAS student athletes shall proactively participate and cooperate in activities aimed at improving the university&#39;s standing. KUAS student athletes shall value interaction with others of diverse backgrounds through sports, and aim to become top-tier professionals who contribute to international society. KUAS student athletes shall strive to contribute to the resolution of issues faced by the local community through playing and teaching sports. KUAS student athletes shall understand and respect that sports are only possible through the cooperation of others, including the competition and the referees. KUAS student athletes shall express gratitude to the people who support them by preparing thoroughly for all events and giving their best performance. ForCurrentStudents Courses & Registration開く Academic Calendar E-learning System Enrollment Guidelines Class Hours & Test Times開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus Class Hours Kyoto Kameoka Campus Class Hours Tuition and Financial Aid開く Tuition Scholarships開く Jasso Scholarships Alumni Association Scholarship KUAS Student Guardian Association Scholarship Student Life開く Clubs and Societies Student Council Sentan Navi Webmail Reporting Address Changes, etc Issuance of Certificates Commuter Passes, etc Lost & Found Student Housing International Student Residence Uzumasa A開く GCL Program Training Room Ryuo Kaikan Seminar Hall Computer Rooms Part-time Jobs International Exchange開く About International Exchange Exchange Programs開く United States Korea Thailand China Taiwan Indonesia Mongolia Overseas Short-term Training Programs International Students Support開く International Student Numbers(Japanese) Career Development Center開く Industry Experience (Internship) Student Counseling & Support開く Nurse&#039;s Office開く Issuance of Health Examination Certificates Mandatory Absence in the Event of Infection Influenza Health Safety Measures Precautions for International Travel Annual Health Checkups for Students About CPR Student Counselor&#039;s Office Student Disability Support Office ICT Center International Center Career Support Center ICT Center Anti-harassment Initiatives Campuses開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map Kyoto Kameoka Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map More Information開く Personal Information Protection KUAS Student Guardian Association開く Greeting KUAS Alumni Association Founding Principles 京都発世界人財 アクセス お問い合わせ 採用情報 サイトマップ サイトポリシー 個人情報の取扱い 学校法人 永守学園 京都先端科学大学附属高等学校 京都先端科学大学附属中学校 京都先端科学大学附属みどりの丘幼稚園・みどりの丘保育園 Twitter YouTube Line Facebook LinkedIn 学内専用ポータル Copyright © Kyoto University of Advanced Science. 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